Monday, January 25, 2021

Gizmo and Mogwai


Meet Fiona (Ginger Merle) and Blue (Blue Fawn) my barely one year old female French Bulldogs. Fiona is named after Shrek, and Blue is my little Blue Bayou. Fiona is the most angelic and human-like dog I have ever had. If she is sitting next to me and wants something she'll make a small howling noise to let me know she wants attention. If she wants to go on a walk she'll go by her leash and give me a small howl until I acknowledge her. The last thing Fiona does that makes me believe in a past life she was human, is the way she sleeps. She will get under all the blankets and put her head on the pillow to sleep like a human.

Blue on the other hand, is the complete opposite of Fiona. Blue is the most attention seeking dog I have ever met. She is extremely hyper and demands all the attention whenever I have new guests over. If she wants me to wake up and play with her she will come right on my pillow and snort in my ear until I wake up, like a Gremlin. Blue also tries to pick fights with bigger dogs which isn't smart considering she's 25 pounds... Even though she is a handful, she's still a great and loving dog. The best part about her is she's a guard dog. Well, in her head.

Life would be extremely boring without dogs. I don't think of it as having a "good" dog versus a "bad" dog. Even though my dogs are completely different, the dynamic is fun.

If you have pets what are some of the weirdest or coolest things they do? I'd also love to know your pets name and if you named them after anything.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

My favorite plant


I figured for my first blog post I should at least talk about something I enjoy. The image to the left is my Monstera Deliciosa, also known as a Swiss cheese plant. Although I have many plants, this plant in particular is the most rewarding to watch grow.

The picture to the left are the newest leaves. They are the only two on my entire plant to have that many fenestration holes. Once a Monstera reaches at least three feet, new leaves that appear will slowly start having fenstration holes. Good lighting helps too.

If anyone is interested in Monsteras or any plant, the best advice I have is to join Reddit groups that are plant oriented. Reddit groups always have a ton of people who are willing to help and give advice specific to a problem you're having. For example, I myself have submitted pictures of my plants when I'm not sure how to care for them. In return, the people of Reddit never fail to let me know their own tips and tricks to plant care.

The following links are the Reddit Threads I suggest following if you're interested in house plants or Monstera plant care.

Monstera Reddit Thread 

Indoor Garden Reddit Thread