Saturday, February 27, 2021

Plant Children

Polka Dot plant

 I know I've made a post before about my favorite plant, however I'd love to talk about my plants in general. As crazy as it sounds, something about caring and watching plants grow is so satisfying. I don't have too many plants but the ones I do have I take a lot of pride in. I check their moisture levels frequently and have a humidifier just for them.

My plants are somewhat symbolic to me. Sometimes when I was sad I would go buy a plant to make me feel better, or even happy moments in my life I would go buy a plant. For instance, when I got a job after Covid, the first thing I did was go buy myself a baby Snake plant.

Years ago I got my grandma a bunch of succulents, and when I potted them for her there was one too many. I decided to keep the extra one for myself and here we are almost four years later, and that succulent is now ginormous. Ever since then I just started getting more and more plants. 

The attached image is of my baby Polka Dot plant. I love it any think it's beautiful, but I wouldn't recommend it to people who are just starting their plant journey. It's a pretty high maintenance plant.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Happy Days

I commend people who have a good work/life balance. I find it extremely exhausting trying to find time for everything. The days I go to work I do nothing but wake up, have a couple hours for homework, and then have to start making my lunch and getting ready for work. 

With that being said I'm always caught in this mindset of "I'm going to die anyway" or "I should be budgeting my money tighter." Every time I want to buy something I tell myself that. Probably not the smartest thing I do but maybe 5/10 times I get the answer I'm looking for. 

I think it's sad we all just work to live, and are trained to live for work. I hope you're all having a good week and even if it wasn't the best, or maybe it was the greatest week of your life, we all made it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Isla del Encanto

One of my favorite places is Puerto Rico. A big chunk of my family still lives there and its my home away from home. My family lives down South in Patillas, also nicknamed the Emerald of the South because of the beautiful greenery. A couple of my favorite things about Puerto Rico are the beaches, the people, the natural beauty of the island, and the food! There's so much history to be known about Puerto Rico and no matter what municipality you go to on the island, you can always find a trace of history. I've met some of my best friends in Puerto Rico. Boricuas are some of the most kind and resilient people I'ved met, and every trip I've made out there I always come back with more friends.
Some of my favorite things to do out there are to visit the small islands of Puerto Rico (most people don't know there's more than one), go to the rum factories, visit museums, go to the rain forest, and lay on the most beautiful beaches I've seen.
I miss it a lot and I hope to return soon.

The attached images are one of my favorite beaches in Culebra  and the second is the view from my abuelitas house on the mountain.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Before Corona

There are a lot of things I miss about life before Covid. I miss going out to drink with my friends, I miss not having to make reservations at restaurants, going to $5 movies on Tuesdays, not having to wait in line to get into a store, and I miss my old job at the casino. The list goes on of things I miss, but one thing I miss in particular is the yearly fishing trips I would take with my dad. 

We've fished a little bit of everywhere, my favorites being the Florida Keys, and Canada. Fishing in the Keys was the most fun because it's very unpredictable, and you never know what you'll pull up. Ive seen sharks, turtles, pulled lobsters off trees, and the water is warm enough so you can hop right in and go spear gun fishing. Canada on the other hand, is slightly more predictable but is very relaxing and beautiful. The only downside to fishing in Canada is a lot of the fish there have teeth so they will try to fight you.

I know there are a lot of worse things going on in the world, and some people are being affected way worse than others by Covid. This is just one little thing I think about from time to time. I hope by 2022 life can start slowly going back to normal.